It is International Women’s Day 2019 and as a business run and owned by women we thought a Q&A blog would be a bit of fun for you all to get to know us. We honestly couldn’t have done anything at Lore without the help of our amazing girl gang and we thank our lucky stars daily for the inspirational women we have in our lives. From our amazing staff, to our supportive friends, to our loving family and to all of the other fabulous women we know running businesses, families and just doing your thing, thank you! ❤
Now, get to know us – Jade, Jess & Teag; owners of Lore Perfumery.
1. What is one of your first memories of fragrance/perfume?
My earliest memory would be making perfume at my Nanna’s house with Teag when we were kids. We would crush flowers from her garden into bottles of water and let them sit overnight – then make our poor Mum and Nanna wear them! There is a particular fragrance in store, Peonia Nobile by Acqua di Parma – when I smell this scent it instantly takes me back to this time. It isn’t my style of fragrance usually but there is something about it that makes me feel happy, probably from the memory. It’s actually quite funny because the first time Teag smelt the fragrance in store she also had the same reaction and memory. If I smell Jasmine it takes me back to my childhood. We moved houses a lot as kids but I feel like there was a Jasmine tree at every house and also at my Nanna’s! (I am pretty certain Teag will have a similar answer!?)
2. If you could tell your 20 year old self any piece of advice what would it be?
Be yourself, don’t be so hard on yourself and stop caring what people think of you – actually I feel like I still need this advice sometimes in my 30s haha. There is so much pressure on young women and you are supposed to know who you are and what you want to be when you are basically still a baby! I have to be honest, I have been so much happier in my late 20’s & 30’s. I guess just have fun and go with the flow. Everything happens for a reason…
3. What has been the most challenging part about Lore so far?
Work/Life balance. I am an Aries and have a very extreme personality, by that I mean that I am one extreme to the other most times! So when we first took over all I cared about was Lore. Some people would say to me “but you own your own business, you will never switch off now”. I took that on and thought I was meant to work every second of my life, and felt guilty if I wasn’t. During the first year I neglected my personal life and myself! We were working 12 hours a day and I would go home eat, sleep and then repeat. I didn’t eat healthy at work and I didn’t take lunch breaks and the stress really took its toll on me, physically and emotionally. I feel like this year I have really found my footing and have a pretty good work/life balance going on…however I probably do need to stop checking my emails and online orders when I am having a wine with friends! ?
4. What has been the most rewarding part of running Lore?
The people! I love working with my sister Teag, we were really close growing up and as life does, it gets in the way and we drifted apart. Having this opportunity has really brought us closer again, even if she does live in another state! Jess and I have become super close and we joke that we are the yin to each others yang! We are all so very different but it works! Our team is just amazing and we honestly couldn’t have done any of this without them. From the moment the news broke that we were taking over the store, to launching our website and releasing our own range of body care products – the girls have been nothing but supportive! We all have a laugh, be silly and work hard running that store and I am always excited for another day at Lore!
5. What is your absolute favourite perfume of the moment?
Hmmm tough one to just pick 1…so I will pick my top 3!
L’Artisan Natura Fabularis Mirabilis – love love love this fragrance. Soft and feminine yet has something mysterious about it. Jess actually got me on to it and I have been obsessed ever since.
L’Artisan Mandarina Corsica – this was a surprise favourite of mine as I usually don’t like citrus scents. However this fragrance does something to me…it is quite intoxicating. It’s the right amount of sweetness and gourmand earthy notes. It is my favourite release from 2018.
Orto Parisi Boccanera – Rich & bold and lasts for hours! Without fail, every time I wear this fragrance I get complimented. I have actually been loving wearing this on a super hot day as when it warms on the skin it gets even better! …and sometimes I layer it with Mirabilis and well, you can just imagine! ?
1. What is one of your first memories of fragrance/perfume?
I remember making ‘perfumes’ with crushed flowers in the garden as a kid, but my first memory of actual perfume was when I was about 13 or 14 years old and I won some random competition and received a bottle of perfume. It was a French perfume and I felt so grown up, even though I hated the smell and it was waaay too mature for me, I’d wear it anyway feeling smugly superior to all of my friends in their Body Shop roll ons.
2. If you could tell your 20 year old self any piece of advice what would it be?
It would be to eat less sugar as that was basically my entire diet and I am now paying for it. Don’t worry about being the most tanned person there is, wrinkles do happen even though you thought they’d never catch up to you. Stop drinking red wine excessively as this will ruin it for you later in life. And take bigger risks, dive deeper into careers that you think you want to do – don’t dip your toe, go right in.
3. What has been the most challenging part about Lore so far?
The transition initially was super exciting but also really challenging going from being a part of the team to running the team. But we have an amazing crew at Lore who are really supportive so that challenge didn’t last for too long. The challenge I continue to have is being about balance – disconnecting when I’m not working and creating space and focus for all of the other important things in my life such as relationships, exercise, personal development etc. Whilst I never really ‘shut off’ from Lore, being able to give my 100% focus to who or what I am with outside of Lore is something that I am consistently working on improving. Work life balance hey?!
4. What has been the most rewarding part of running Lore?
Everything! I am always rewarded when I come into Lore and laugh and smile all day. Creating amazing connections with the team, customers, other people and businesses that we work with. I love that! I find it incredibly rewarding helping someone find their perfect perfume. I love getting the VM looking schmick, having outstanding window displays, I even get excited when our Instagram feed is all colour coordinated. I think the amazing strong women around me, particularly creating really incredible friendships with Jade and Teags has also been one of the most rewarding elements of this business – when I see how much we have all grown through doing this I feel super proud and rewarded.
5. What is your absolute favourite perfume of the moment?
Hmm tricky one, I always love Nasomatto’s Narcotic V and Lubin’s Grisette. And I swear its not just because they are pink! They make me feel happy. Right now I am loving Beaufort Fathom V, but not on me – on my boyfriend – it is so bloody good. And I am also layering Juliette has a Gun’s Not a Perfume with everything I put on!
1. What is one of your first memories of fragrance/perfume?
I can remember making perfume in the backyard as a little girl! We would crush flower petals in water and make our poor mum wear it! Still to this day, whenever I smell jasmine, it brings back memories of my childhood.
2. If you could tell your 20 year old self any piece of advice what would it be?
Have patience! I have always been ambitious and hard working. I was motivated from a young age to be successful and have always pushed myself really hard to get ahead. I would often become frustrated and desperate, I felt like I was doing all the right things yet, I wasn’t getting the result I wanted. I was incredibly impatient and if the result did not come quick enough, I would lose hope. A mentor sat me down during a time of despair and told me that unless I could be more patient, I would not achieve any of my goals, no matter how hard I worked. That night, I googled ‘quickest ways to become more patient’, oh the irony! I still had not learnt my lesson, so as life does, it kept throwing me challenges until I learnt. What I have now realised, all good things take time. Yes, work hard. Yes, be motivated. Yes, do everything you can do hit your goals. Do all of those things AND let time work it’s magic.
3. What has been the most challenging part about Lore so far?
Managing my imposter syndrome! I have another business in the sales industry, I started in sales at 19, worked my way up to management and then opened my own franchise. Stepping into the sales business came quite naturally as I knew the business backwards. I had done every task with in the business, including cleaning the toilets. I didn’t have any experience in retail when we opened Lore Perfumery, so there were often times when I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing and that I was out of my depth. In those times I had to remind myself that I am an amazing business woman, who is intelligent and business savvy. That I am exceptional at managing people and problem solving. I would some times even say these affirmations out loud to myself in the mirror – I felt a little crazy but hey, do what it takes right?! There is also the challenge of time management. Getting the balance right with running two businesses, being a good mum to my son Charlie, being a good partner and trying to keep some sort of social life, is not easy. I make sure I tell Charlie why I am working so hard and I know when he grows up, he will be proud of what I have done and I will be an example for him to follow.
4. What has been the most rewarding part of running Lore?
Honestly, being able to work with amazing women. And I’m not just saying that because its IWD! I love that we have created something together, it’s such an amazing feeling to watch it grow. When we launched our website and then our own signature line, it was a very proud moment!
5. What is your absolute favourite perfume of the moment?
I am loving Acqua di Parma Peonia Nobile as a new favourite. My classic is Acca Kappa Vaniglia Fior di Mandorlo and get complimented whenever I wear it! We were gifted special natural roll ons from Rac on Teur which are due for release in the coming months and have been loving Bondi 1!